Pre-Booking Information


If your horse is showing signs of lameness such as not bearing weight on a limb, reluctance to move, acute heat and swelling, or being unable to use an extremity, please contact your veterinarian right away.

  • Please make sure the horse's caretaker is there to assist with holding and moving the horse during assessments conducted in motion.

  • Appointments must be rescheduled if the temperature is -15 degrees or lower as it is too cold for body work.

  • To help horses that are very attached to other horses, please have a companion horse nearby during the therapy session.

  • Please ensure that the area is relatively flat ground and is dry and sheltered in case of rain.

  • Please have your saddle accessible for the initial appointment, improper saddle fit needs to be ruled out.

  • Please ensure that your horse is prepared and clean for the appointment, even if weather conditions are unfavorable, including ensuring they are dry.

  • The individual responsible for the horse's care should try to be present, as I'll be teaching important stretching and exercise methods during the session.

  • Before the appointment, ensure your horse's feet and teeth are well-maintained. In case your horse has overgrown hooves or teeth, and we can't proceed with the appointment, a full appointment fee and relevant travel charges will apply.

  • Do not schedule bodywork for your horse within 3 days of vaccines.

before the Appointment
  • After the initial appointment please anticipate to book a follow up appointment within a few weeks.

  • Paperwork will be provided upon completion of the appointment to the owner including report of care, exercise and stretching homework, and invoicing

  • It is recommended to not ride or trailer the horse 48 hours post-appointment

After the appointment